Bloxwich BCP & BCSP Part Numbers, Trademarks & Copyrights
Posted on Jun 10, 2019
BCP, BCSP & CAT part numbers and others can date back to the very start of the Bloxwich Lock & Stamping Company in 1915.
BCP ® (Bloxwich Container Part)
Part numbers are used across our entire range of mild steel products.
BCSP TM (Bloxwich Container Stainless Part)
Part numbers are used across our entire range of stainless steel products.
CAT TM (Category)
Part numbers are used on a range of range of mild and stainless steel lashing ring products and on some door retainer products too. These are historic and usually very well known part numbers.
With so many part numbers and different suffices used to specify the exact versions required it can be very confusing so please call us if you have any questions.
All Bloxwich part numbers are protected by trademark ® TM and copyright ©. Anyone buying and reselling genuine Bloxwich parts will get our permission to use them on websites and in catalogues etc. However they should still request written permission first (required every five years).
However if you are unsure of the manufacturer or suspect you have been supplied a copy please contact us. We take patent, copyright and trademark infringement very seriously.
How Can I Tell if It’s Bloxwich?
Generally speaking all forged parts such as cams, keepers, forged handles, forged hinges and lashing rings etc have their BCP or BCSP part number, BEL (Bloxwich Engineering Ltd) or BLOXWICH forged onto them somewhere.

Some products may have a Bloxwich logo or logos stamped, moulded, printed or etched on them. Others may have a serial number plate fitted. We also put customers logos on products like pressed hinges etc
However in lots of cases (particularly pressed parts) there is no easy way to tell. So If you’re unsure as to whether or not you’re getting genuine Bloxwich parts then please ask your reseller to confirm it in writing. Alternatively send us a photo…….and we’ll tell you!
For more information please call us on +44(0) 1543 435 160