ISO, Did You Know?
Posted on Feb 12, 2018
Did you know? That Bloxwich now stock even more ISO container fittings?
Used across several industries but with their origins firmly in container shipping they are most commonly found on container ship decks and in their holds.
However, they are now increasingly used for stacking ISO and offshore containers temporarily and permanently both onshore and offshore.
In addition to our existing range of corner castings, EOC corner castings, inter connectors, retractable twistlocks, marine and semi-automatic twistlocks we now offer more twistlocks, foundations, bridge clamps and stacking cones.
For more information please call us on +44(0) 1543 435 160, email sales@bloxwichgroup.com or see www.bloxwichdoorgear.com
Don’t forget about out other company websites, www.bloxwichtc.co.uk , www.bloxwichstamping.com & www.bloxwichtrading.com
Several other ISO fittings are available upon request.