These are Really Catching On
Posted on Jan 26, 2022
At Bloxwich we have always sold a range of catches and latches. However as these are really catching on we now offer a bigger range and we also carry much more stock too.
From the recessed over centre locks commonly fitted to HGV trailer folding sides, to the adjustable eccentric over centre latches fitted to car trailer doors etc. We’re sure to have your needs for catches and latches covered.
Some products have options for weld on and bolt on models and for also for weld on or bolt on retainers too or a mix of both, whilst others have key options. “Keys to differ” means every lock and pair of keys supplied will be different across a batch. Whilst a “suite of keys” or “keyed alike” means they will all the be same so anyone with one of those keys can operate any of the products in that batch.
Our stainless steel paddle catches and T handle catches now have options for bolt holes or M6 x 12 studs. They also have the above key options. These are commonly fitted to small panels, lids and plant equipment doors etc. We are stocking them in much greater numbers. If you are looking for large quantities please contact sales@bloxwichgroup.com for a price.
We now have more shoot bolts and others are available on request. Spares and alternative catches are also available for some products.
More Information
Finally for more information on Bloxwich Group, Bloxwich Truck & Container, Bloxwich Stamping and Bloxwich Trading please call us on +44(0) 1543 435 160