Winter Is Here
Posted on Nov 22, 2024
This post was supposed to start with winter is coming but we were a few days late in creating it. So, depending on where you are in the UK, winter and storm Bert are possibly already well and truly here!
We are well past the leaves falling off the trees and it starting to get colder and damper and Christmas is coming up so fast too.
As small as the UK is, the weather varies hugely so depending on where you are there are lots of diffident things to consider before we get into the depths of winter. Here at Bloxwich we have one slightly different product that may help around your home and business over the winter.
The “UniKart” really is a universal kart as they are used indoors and outdoors for numerous applications e.g. storage and dispensing of grit/salt/coal/logs/sand etc. for dispensing animal feeds, gardening or for spill kits etc.
As well as being our mobile salt dispensers at Bloxwich we even use them in our factory for storing and moving parts around.
Red is, always in stock but green and yellow are also available.
More Information
Finally for more information on Bloxwich Group, Bloxwich Truck & Container, Bloxwich Stamping and Bloxwich Trading please call us on +44(0) 1543 435 160 or