CAT500 Floor Lashing Ring Special Offer
Posted on May 07, 2019
Our production team got a bit carried away, so during the month of May, the CAT500 floor lashing ring is on special offer and we are offering you the chance to save first.
Designed to be recessed in at floor level and engineered for ease of assembly to trailer frames by welding, forming an integral part of the structure. The versatile CAT500 can also be butted up against bottom side rails on containers etc. With its forged lashing ring, forged/fabricated cleat, a SWL of 3.0T and a 55 degree range of motion can you afford to miss out?
Originally designed by Bloxwich in 1989, well over 100 000 have been manufactured in the last 30 years.
Search “CAT500” at www.bloxwichdoorgear.com for more details. Please note that the current £5.21 RRP will be shown online unless you sign into your online account with a current price list. Need large quantities? Please contact us to discuss price and delivery.